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Tourism Professionals

Listing : Get your establishment listed

More info: Presentation

Plans : See our plans

Register : Join us

Review : Get your establishment reviewed

Advertise : See our advertising options

Publishing Guidelines : Here

Tourism Professionals – Owners and Operators

tourism professionals

No matter what tourism professional’s business you operate and where, you know how difficult it is to have your services known from the public

You can join the “major” listing sites, but you will be washed amidst thousands of sites and millions of service providers

On the other hand, if you want to target an audience planning to visit your city or region, and this before they board the plane/train get listed or better yet get reviewed by us.

We are a gathering of local tourism professionals like yourself, living in your neighborhood and can “professionally” tell the world about your services.

We have set out to be the number one place for destination information worldwide, by providing unbiased, professional, and accurate information and reviews about local attractions.

Everyone’s vacation time has shrunk over the years, while most take shorter trip but more often, that leaves them limited time available to visit a city/region.

You might have the most amazing attractions or offer outstanding services. it does not help if you can’t be found

Tell them about you while the prepare their vacations/gateway, our site is dedicated to talk about the best places before clients book their trip and plan their vacations, hence our name “Know then Go”

Here are some of the features we offer on local city pages

  • A  summary of the area, with highlights of important places and a city blog provided by our local Editors.
  • A review of the best attractions in town, provided by our Local Editors.
  • Attractions and Things to do recommendations with web links
  • Information about recreation and outdoor activities.
  • Guides to things to do such as arts and culture, including museums, theaters, and other attractions
  • Maps and guides
  • Public transport information
  • Airport information

Join Us, add your establishment to our website for FREE

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As tourism professionals, you know how difficult it is to have guest place “accurate” comments on the net.

As we all know clients have a rather simplified version of what it is to run a tourism-oriented business, not that we want them to understand it fully, it is not their place nor their role.

But you must admit it is quite frustrating that after you tried everything to please a guest, they take it out on you with their “comments”, often about issues, such as the weather, that you have no control over.

Worse they don’t tell you what is not pleasing them while they are there (and often it is an easy fix) but they rant about it online.

Do not get us wrong, we are not saying that most comments do not have some kind of accuracy or validity, we are simply saying, what please one not necessarily pleases another.

Our mission is to right this wrong by offering tourism professionals an alternate way of getting their establishment and services known to the public.

These “pseudo” reviews are completed by individuals lacking the knowledge and insight that comes with working in the tourism industry, we want to offer an alternative to these “amateurish” reviews, we are professional, we do the same thing you do.

We are different and we do not believe one should be penalized when something goes wrong, we think today’s travel review system needs a seriously overdue improvement. So why not try our way and get your establishment reviewed now, it’s FREE

Don’t delay. Have your establishment professionally reviewed now

We also offer fully targeted advertising

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