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Are you interested in promoting your services to the right clients?

Best solution for hospitality and services providers

As a hospitality and services provider in the tourism and travel industry. You know how difficult it is to stand out from the crowd, you seek new avenues to differentiate your business from the others. While it is rather easy to do so locally, you know that doing so online can be a nightmare.

If only there was a way to stand out without spending a fortune on SEO, giving so much commission to the OTAs or allocating some much money, time, and resources in trying to advertise online, and most importantly to see if the there is a real return on your investment.

There ought to be new ways of getting an establishment known to the public. Now there is!

Nodengo.com is an alternative solution, our aimed to give potential visitors – Accurate, unbiased, and up to date information about the city they are about to visit. and with this in mind, we offer to have your business listed on our local pages, promoted on our website and best of all reviewed accurately.

We have set out to be the number one place for destination information worldwide, by providing unbiased, professional, and accurate reviews about local establishments provided local Editors.

Our mission is to right this wrong by offering hospitality providers and tourism professional an alternate way of getting their establishment known to the public.

Our website is aimed at giving potential visitors – Accurate, professional, unbiased, and up to date information about the city they are about to visit.

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Are you interested in being professionally reviewed?

You are in the hospitality and services provider industry, and as you know there are thousands of reviews available on the internet and the number is increasing expansionary. And while these reviews give somehow an idea of an establishment, they do not, in our view, represent fully what these establishments offer.

OTA’s and travel sites do offer their clients to review the establishment they have visited, certain even offer to have their clients become “reviewers” by offering monetary compensation while staying at a hotel.


We know what must be done, what has to be done, and what should not be done.


The information is genuinely local, since our editors are locals, they are not gathered by overseas operators who have never visited the city there are informing visitors about.
Our editors live in the city they write about – they know it, they live in it.

Reason 2: ACCURATE

Our information is accurate, no time delay between the information gathering and the posting on our site, once again our editors are local and so are their recommendation; they know what is going on in locally and in their neighborhood and post it on our site.


Our reviews are human written and human experienced, moreover the reviews are not written by “amateur tourist”, our Editors are hospitality professionals, the know about your trade and can accurately describe and rate your services.

Reason 4 : WE ARE BETTER

We are NOT just a search engine, a “comments site” or interested in simply publishing uncheck and often unprofessional reviews, we thought their ought to be a better solution, we list honest and accurate reviews – we feel you deserve better, and we aim to be the leader in that regard.

Reason 5 : IT’S FREE

Our service is free, on the web and on all devices, basic listing for your establishment is free. The only cost associated with a review is for you to provide complimentary services to one of our Editors, they review it and post it on our site. Considering the impact and cost associated with the other reviews, it is a small expense towards your bottom line.


Nodengo.com can help hospitality and services provider promote their establishment.

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and be found by potential travelers worldwide.

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Advertise on Nodengo.com and beneficiate from our truly targeted advertising options.


Aside from providing accurate local information, Nodengo.com also offers a wealth of options.

  • flight search engine to find the best deal and reserving flights amidst 728 Airlines and 5 Booking system.
  • A meta search engine to find the best hotel at the best prices and up to 60% discount.
  • Activities online prior to arrival, skip the lines and choose the best shows before leaving.
  • A rent a car search engine to find the best car at the best price anywhere in the world .