Hospitality and Tourism providers
Hospitality and Tourism providers. is a company and a hospitality network dedicated to the distribution of local tourist-oriented travel information. We do believe that there is a worldwide need and opportunity to provide unbiased and accurate local information to travelers. and new ways of getting an establishment known to the…
Our advertising opportunities
At we want to offer advertising directly via our ad system We have opted to offer direct advertising as we feel that “Ad Words” and other programs do not offer the flexibility to present an ad for the specific city or specifically for your type of business. Most site rely on…
No reviews
NO REVIEWS – Since we do not have a Local Editor for this location, we unfortunately cannot present “Reviews” for this city. We are frequently adding Editors, so we may update this information shortly. Are you interested in becoming a local Editor for this location ? Contact us
Free transport card /update
The Geneva free public transportation pass goes virtual
Free transport card
If you arrive at Geneva Airport, you can collect a free public transport ticket for 80 minutes to get to your place of residence. The distributor is in the baggage claim area.