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  7. media- 12 awesome widgets


Thank you for your interest in promoting our website with our widgets

To add a widgets to your website:

  1. Choose one of the widgets available below
  2. Choose your widget category, design and size that you prefer.
  3. Pick the design and size from the available options.
  4. Save the image to your server and add the URL (https://nodengo.com/item/your listing) manually. Copy the web link the  from the box and paste it in entirety into the source code of your web page
  5. IMPORTANT: Please do not alter the link as it will either not work or not send customers to YOUR page but rather the main Nodengo.com page.

How do I replace the “sample listing” on the widgets

In order for the link to function, you must replace the “sample-listing” with the listing title for your establishment on Nodengo.com – The link is located in your admin page, under item. Atop of the page there is a URL called permalink like this. Permalink: https://nodengo.com/item/xxxxxxxx

Technical questions

If your widget is broken, not displaying or not working properly, use troubleshooting tips for help:

  • Make sure the link has not been modified other than replacing the “sample-listing”. If you have modified the link and it does not work, re-copy it  and paste the non-modified version into your web page.
  • Make sure that the link was pasted into the source code of your web page, not the displayable/visual version.
  • Make sure that the page you are posting the widget on contains valid HTML code.


nodengo favicon e1619375689818
<p><a href="https://nodengo.com/en/item/sample-listing/"></a><p>

Standard widget: 150px x 150px.  Save the image on the left and add the above URL. Simply replace the “Sample-listing” section with the title from your listing page.

nodengo favicon 2
<p><a href="https://nodengo.com/en/item/sample-listing/"></a><p>

Standard widget: 48px x 48px.  11KB Save the image on the left and add the above URL. Simply replace the “Sample-listing” section with the title from your listing page.

favicon 32x32 1
<p><a href="https://nodengo.com/en/item/sample-listing/"></a><p>

Standard widget: 32px x 32px.  Save the image on the left and add the above URL. Simply replace the “Sample-listing” section with the title from your listing page.

widget nodengo generic
<p><a href="https://nodengo.com/en/item/sample-listing/"></a><p>

Standard widget: 300px x 87px.  Save the image on the left and add the above URL. Simply replace the “Sample-listing” section with the title from your listing page.

widget nodengo generic2
<p><a href="https://nodengo.com/en/item/sample-listing/"></a><p>

Standard widget: 300px x 87px.  Save the image on the left and add the above URL. Simply replace the “Sample-listing” section with the title from your listing page.

widget nodengo restaurant
<p><a href="https://nodengo.com/en/item/sample-listing/"></a><p>

Standard widget: 300px x 87px.  Save the image on the left and add the above URL. Simply replace the “Sample-listing” section with the title from your listing page.

widget nodengo hotels
<p><a href="https://nodengo.com/en/item/sample-listing/"></a><p>

Standard widget: 300px x 87px.  Save the image on the left and add the above URL. Simply replace the “Sample-listing” section with the title from your listing page.

widget nodengo bars coffee
<p><a href="https://nodengo.com/en/item/sample-listing/"></a><p>

Standard widget: 300px x 87px.  Save the image on the left and add the above URL. Simply replace the “Sample-listing” section with the title from your listing page.

widget nodengo attractions
<p><a href="https://nodengo.com/en/item/sample-listing/"></a><p>

Standard widget: 300px x 87px.  Save the image on the left and add the above URL. Simply replace the “Sample-listing” section with the title from your listing page.

widget nodengo museums
<p><a href="https://nodengo.com/en/item/sample-listing/"></a><p>

Standard widget: 300px x 87px.  Save the image on the left and add the above URL. Simply replace the “Sample-listing” section with the title from your listing page.

widget nodengo featured
<p><a href="https://nodengo.com/en/item/sample-listing/"></a><p>

Standard widget: 300px x 87px.  Save the image on the left and add the above URL. Simply replace the “Sample-listing” section with the title from your listing page.

nodengo favicon Pina 1
<p><a href="https://nodengo.com/en/item/sample-listing/"></a><p>

Standard widget: 300px x 300px.  Save the image on the left and add the above URL. Simply replace the “Sample-listing” section with the title from your listing page.