Новый транспортный узел Женевы – Léman Express – это планируемая сеть пригородных поездов для трансграничной агломерации Гранд-Женева на западе Швейцарии и во французских Альпах. Сердцем системы Léman Express станет железнодорожный проект CEVA, соединяющий станцию Eaux Vives со станцией Cornavin в Женеве.

– Swiss regional and major train lines
– TGV trains
– Trains to and from Italy
– L5 and L6 timetables coordinated with the L1, L2, L3 and L4 lines to ensure seamless travel throughout the Léman Express region
Женева аэропорт
Léman Express offers well-timed connections to Geneva Airport, with five trains per hour from Geneva’s Cornavin train station, which is only a seven-minute train ride from the airport.
The Annemasse train station is one of the biggest in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, with connections throughout Haute-Savoie.
The Léman Express is a network with a rail transit gauge that serves Geneva and its cross-border agglomeration. Made up of six lines, it will serve once completed 45 stations’ 2 for 230 kilometers of lane1, N 1 and will be frequented by 50 000 passengers per day. Due to its cross-border location, straddling Switzerland and France, this network is coordinated by Lémanis, a joint subsidiary of the two operators, SBB and SNCF, which is also responsible for its promotion.
For more information: Leman Express website