Customer Service – Help
We recommend you contact the booking site directly regarding your confirmation or any booking information
Where is my booking confirmation ? Unfortunately we cannot provide you with that information, since reservation are not made by directly, we don’t have access to your booking information. We suggest you get in touch with the provider on your reservation confirmation Thank you
To change or cancel your booking you need to speak with the booking site directly Can’t remember who you booked with? You can find the travel provider’s name on your confirmation email.
- I would like to change, modify or cancel my reservation ! To cancel or change your booking, you need to speak to the booking site directly. Can’t remember who you booked with? You can find the travel provider’s name on your confirmation email.
- Where is my booking confirmation ? Unfortunately we cannot provide you with that information, since reservation are not made by Nodengo directly, we don’t have access to your booking information. May we suggest you contact the provider on your reservation confirmation
- Find the best flight prices to my destination Go to our “flights” page to find the best deal This service helps thousands of people compare airfares from 726 airlines and dozens of travel agencies and systems. Thanks to JetRadar, it is possible for users to track down carriers’ special offers, and book the cheapest tickets available.
- Reserve the best hotel at the cheapest price SECRET EXCLUSIVE HOTEL DEALS SAVE UP TO 60% We search for many destinations through a large booking services database, that is why we can find the best discounts and offer them to you. Find YOUR hotel at the best price now.
- Are there activities at my destination ? We provide you with information and booking solution for activities at your destination.To find out, select your destination page and search the activities tab
Customer Service – Flights questions
- Booking a Flight We are affiliated with JetRadar which is one of the largest online search engines for flights all over the world. helping thousands of people to compare airline prices, track down carriers’ special offers, and book the cheapest tickets available. This service helps thousands of people compare airfares from 726 airlines and dozens of travel agencies and systems. more information here
- Flight Confirmation Flight booking confirmation : We cannot provide you with that information, since reservation are not made by Nodengo directly, we don’t have access to your booking information. May we suggest you contact the provider on your reservation confirmation. To cancel or change your flight booking, you need to speak to the booking site directly. Can’t remember who you booked with? You can find the travel provider’s name on your confirmation email.
Customer Service – Hotels questions
Hotel Information We search for many destinations through a large booking services database, that is why we can find the best discounts and offer them to you. We simultaneously compare room prices from 70 different hotel booking services, allowing you to pick the most affordable offers
Use our filter menu on the left of the hotel page to narrow your search. This will help you find something that’s just right for you. Once you’ve found your ideal hotel, click on the “book now” button and you’ll be redirected to the booking site to make your reservation.
Where is my confirmation : We would love to be able to provide that information but as hotel reservations are not made directly with us, we don’t have access to your hotel reservation information. It’s always best to speak to the booking site directly.
Changes : To cancel or change your hotel booking, you need to speak to the hotel reservation site directly. Can’t remember who you booked with? You can find the travel provider’s name on your confirmation email.
General Information : Questions about forms of payment, check-in age, or luggage storage? Check the Policies section of your hotel’s page on our website, or call them.
Check In : You can show up any time between the check-in time listed in your itinerary and midnight. Be sure to have your government-issued ID handy when you show up – you’ll need it to check in.
Want to show up early, or past midnight? Be sure to give your hotel a call first.
No Show : if you don’t check in during your hotel’s check-in hours, or don’t show up without canceling first, the hotel may charge you a no-show penalty fee.
Customer Service – Car Rental questions
We do offer on our website Car Rental information via the following:

- Read the terms and conditions carefully : Drivers Age,Drivers License,Additional Driver,Coverage / Insurance,Breakdown Assistance,Fuel Policy,Mileage,Tax Rate,Payment Method,Voucher,Additional Extra Conditions
Cooperating with hundreds of global and local car rental suppliers, we provide a wide choice of vehicles of all classes and find the perfect car for your journey
Customer Service – General Informations
About Booking on is not a booking agent or tour operator and does not charge any service fees to users of our site. When you book with one of our partners, please be sure to check their site for a full disclosure of all applicable fees. For any travel packages or deals listed, does not guarantee any specific rates or prices. In addition, average hotel prices are updated nightly and displayed in your preferred currency using prevailing conversion rates.
Since these converted prices are estimates, please check with the booking site for the exact amount and currency. Furthermore, makes no guarantees for availability of prices advertised on our site. Listed prices may require a stay of a length or have blackout dates, qualifications or restrictions. is not responsible for content on external web sites. Taxes, fees not included for deals content.
About us is a search and price comparison site for accommodation, flights, activities and tourist guide and provide offers from many different online booking sites.
However we offer a multitude of other options
Online Reservations Check the properties that have been reviewed by our local editor to know which one is the local best. Visit the local page for all pertinent information for your trip and when you have found it, book the flight, the hotel and the activities directly from
Get Accurate Local Information Our Editors live in the city you are interested in visiting. They are hospitality professionals, thus they can really recommend you, where to stay, where to eat and what to do in the city. Our local pages, aside from providing the most up to date and accurate information also list places which are often off the beaten path and know by the “locals”
Reviews Our website is aimed at giving potential visitor, accurate, unbiased and up to date information about the city they are planning on visiting.
Our reviewers, called “Editors” are local hospitality professionals, they know the city they are writing about, that’s where they live and work. As professional, they are more able to tell you about a special place in that city, than “amateur” reviewer the other sites offer.