Everyday millions of people all over the world are looking for tools to help them plan their vacations, decide where to stay and find the best hotels, restaurants and attractions in the city there are planning to visit.
While everyone is looking t to find the best place in town the sheer number of sites and reviews can leave someone quite perplexed.
Why don’t you help them out, whom better than YOU, you live in that city, enjoy it and most of all, due to the nature of your work you dispense advice to guest on a daily basis. While not put all this knowledge to work for you as well.

What’s in it for You ?
Boost your current career in the hospitality field by joining us. Become a local editor along with your current job to increase and develop your own network, We are looking for qualified individual in about every major (and some minor) city in the world, therefore there are chances you live in one of them.
As an Editor you may become the master of Networking in your own town, gain exposure to all travel related businesses in your community, and why not even become the reference for accurate information in your region, that is our aim and should be yours also.
You understand the value of good customer service, of course, but more importantly you are interested in helping to transform it from a “service” to an experience.
The Editors on Nodengo are independent hospitality professional whom, like us believe in sharing their knowledge in creating THE source for travel information and reviews.
Travelling has become more and more individual, diversified, and exciting – and, with smartphones and tablets, much more mobile as well. Thus, it is exactly what a flexible and imaginative person like you was made for.
Independent Editors As an editor, a hospitality professional, you will represent your country, your city.
We love for you to join our team of independent Editors, check if you meet the Exigences et eligibility to join our family.
If this opportunity interest you, don’t delay, we have plenty of opportunities but few spaces in each city.
Career Advantages as an Editor
- Excellente visibilité, plus vous complétez d'avis sur votre ville, plus vous deviendrez célèbre pas seulement sur notre site, mais dans votre communauté, dans votre ville et avec vos pairs.
- Vous pourrez réseauter au sein de votre secteur. Le réseautage sur Linkedin et Facebook est formidable, mais le réseautage directement au sein de votre métier et localement peut vous ouvrir une multitude d'opportunités.
- Vous pourrez réseauter entre les professionnels de la conciergerie et de l’hôtellerie à travers le monde.
- Nous sommes sur le point de devenir une communauté de conciergerie et de services associés, et de nous entraider pour fournir un service de conciergerie véritablement mondial.
- Les évaluations sont indépendantes de nos programmes publicitaires, un avis ne peut être ni commandé ni payé.
- Par conséquent, vous gagnerez le respect de votre communauté, des prestataires de services et des voyageurs en fournissant des avis sur les "bons coins" locaux sur Nodengo.com.
- Vous pourrez contacter et réseauter au sein de notre site avec d'autres professionnels de l'hôtellerie dans le monde entier.
- Si vous travaillez déjà dans l'hôtellerie dans votre ville, pourquoi ne pas devenir rédacteur, vous êtes évidemment déjà qualifié
- Si vous avez déjà une entreprise de services liés à la « Conciergerie » dans votre ville.
- Why not become an editor as well, you are obviously already qualified, moreover it will give you the opportunity to advertise on our site for free.