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Friend's Restaurant Friend's is one of the oldest and most popular restaurant in Cabarete. It is a friendly meeting place, it also has a library. The restaurant is the perfect spot for breakfast, a good coffee or a delicious smoothies. MORE CABARETE RESTAURANTS
Посмотреть большеNo featured hotel yet on Nodengo.com
Посмотреть большеCabarete Private Transfer – Save yourself the hassle and uncertainty of finding a reliable, air conditionned, local taxi and get a guaranteed pick-up
Посмотреть большеPlay championship golf on Playa Grande's spectacular private and exclusive 18-hole course,
Посмотреть большеMojito Bar Cabarete, известный своими восхитительными и смертоносными мятными мохито, восхитительными бутербродами с панини и, конечно же, свежеприготовленными фруктовыми соками.
Посмотреть большеDrive your own Dune Buggy through the sugar cane fields, up to the mountains and down to the beach.
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Доминиканская Республика
Доминиканская Республика — карибская страна, занимающая восточную половину острова Эспаньола.
Indonesia is the world’s largest island country and has immense potential for adventures.
Switzerland is a small mountainous country located in a Center of Western Europe.
Соединенные Штаты Америки
The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (US) or simply America, is a country primarily located in North America